Wyoming Missing Canines
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Missing Dogs in Wyoming 2017 & 2018
Bruce last seen in Mills WY, Contact  3072583859
Maggie, missing from Rawlins, WY
Rocko is missing in Casper
Our dog is missing since yesterday (1-25-18) from our ranch in the bates hole area on Wyoming 487 mile marker 67. If anyone sees her or has seen her please let me know. Thank you. Her name is Chloe
No Ears was LOST on March 16, 2018 in Fort Washakie, WY 82514 near Near Fort Washakie School Rd & Ethete Rd
Luna was LOST on March 6, 2018 in Casper, WY 82609 near Near Yorkshire Ave & Northolt Ave
Archie is missing Sweetwater County WY Jaqueline Grimaldo
So here I am again asking if ANYONE has any information as to the where-abouts of my boy! Missing from the Ramero park area on the southside. Missing since 10/4/17! I have done flyers and checked the shelter every other day. And done numerous walks through every alley and street in the whole damn neighbor hood! I MISS MY BOY DAMNIT! 307-256-9080
Our dog Merele  went missing south of Rawlins at the beginning of October. Klint Strong
 Roxie, missing from Valley View Rd,  Riverton. REWARD offered πŸ’œπŸ’œ any info please call Renee Miller 307 709 0079
Hooley. 13 yr old Catahoola lost at Dry Head Vista overlook, north side of Pryor Mtn. on Sat 10/21. 60 lbs.; well mannered and behaved. Very friendly. Please call Russ 307-754-7015
Missing chihuahua named Penny, Casper, belongs to Amber Gehrett
Lost dogs. Last seen Porcupine Campground in the Big Horns. Contact Brad at (307) 756-2671 or me on messenger if found.
Paco 307 386-2676 that number is located on his dog tag with his ID number he was last seen August 12th behind my house 819 West 1st Street in Labarge Wyoming
Missing white male chewawa, around Hwy 16 Newcastle Wyoming a couple months ago his name is Rossco.$300 REWARD and any cost for his return, he is missed. Thank you
Clementine - she is wearing a collar with her city tags and rabies tag. she is chipped. Owner is Cas Nelson, phone # is 257-2122
Hillsdale, WY Zip is still missing. He is a 4-year-old neutered male blue Australian Cattle Dog. He was last seen on Bluebonnet Lane North of County RD 214 in Hillsdale on Saturday, July 29, 2017, at 4:30 pm MST. He was with his sister Katie seen here in the picture. He has a leather collar with copper beads on top. His tags are gone but he is microchipped. He is limping on his right front shoulder. His left ear does not stand up. He is UTD on all shots and wormer. I made this public on my personal page. Please share. Any information is welcome.Good news or bad! 307-630-1835
Missing round rendezvous road round riverton he got out and was the only one that I could not find there was a little blue car that had a flat tire please if u see him or have him please give him back
This dog belongs to Sean Feagler and was stolen in the Torrington area.
Please spread the word! Mia was last seen on June 12, 2017 in Lingle, WY 82223 near Near Cemetery Road, Lingle, WY

Message from Owner: Mia was brought to the U.S. from Kuwait by my son serving in the Army. She is very sweet and a little shy. 

Description: Tan with black mask approximately 55 lbs. microchipped.
Tuff, a male border collie, has been missing west of Casper since PRIL 29. Owner is Natalie Carpenter.
Please if anyone has seen this angel get ahold of me. She was last with us at the Walmart by loves gas station in Cheyenne WY her name is moo and she is wearing a red harness I just want her home idc if you kidnapped her or what just please bring me my baby.. Patches Nelson
Someone took Eclipso from the Lander Bar last night and Byron Seeley is very upset. He would like his dog returned please contact him at 3073303008
Missing from Wheatland/BrooksideRoad/Hwy 34: "CoCo" 7 year old fixed female red heeler/Aussie mix "red fluffy dog" only white markings are on he tip of her nose and the very tip of her tail. Has blue collar on with tags and is chipped.
Tuff, a male border collie, has been missing west of Casper since PRIL 29. Owner is Natalie Carpenter.
Missing cow dog. Lost in Ten Sleep Canyon. If found, please call Ten Sleep Veterinary Services at 366-2122 or 921-2249
Male German Shepherd missing from Grand Teton National Park near Leigh Canyon RD in Alta, WY. Missing since May 8, 2017.
 Silas was lost @ the KOA campground between Cruel Jack & Home Depot on the north side of I-80 last Tuesday (May 23). He is VERY SCARED. He has been seen several times around Home Depot but may be anywhere in Rock Springs. Please DO NOT CHASE OR CALL HIM! I have a trap, but it will only work if he is calm & hungry! If you see him, please call me @ 303-794-4753,
Libby, missing from Bessemer Bend, west of Casper, call 259-6066
This is our miniture Pomeranian, his name is teddy, he went missing in reliance 5/21 between 1-2:30 pm, if any one found him, or has seen him or any info plz let us know, or call 307-922-6247, or 307-371-4817,
Sadie, missing small female beagle from BB Brooks (north of Casper), Contact owner Holly Cosens Guinn at 307-262-8144
Wednesday morning my dog escaped his outdoor kennel in the red butte area. He is a black dog with white patches on his chest and neck. He should still be wearing his black collar with tags. He is also microchipped. He responds to moose. If you find or have him please call 307-797-9255
Molly is STILL missing. There is a $100 REWARD for her return. If found PLEASE TAKE TO TORRINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT!

This little girl has gone missing from 200 block of Camino Del Rey. She was last seen Monday about 530 pm. Her name is Molly, if you have her or have seen her please call 5327001
Before October 22, this pup went missing out of Egbert, East of Cheyenne.  This boy is still missing. If found or spotted please msg me or owner shown in post. He has been gone long enough he could be anywhere.
Lost in the Medicine Bow National Forest near the Bow River campground. Last seen by two men in a black Chevy Suburban or Tahoe on the side of the road heading out of the campground. The men say he ran from them but he was not seen again in the area. If you have any information on my Tinker Toy, please call 307-320-3289
Our female Airedale has been missing since early Sunday morning off of Lane 6 in cowley.... please help us bring her home. Danielle Calder
Missing from North Casper area, contact Live Freely
Our pointer got out please call Shawn Tescher at 307-262-4564 their names are Yaga and Zieben Still missing 3/11
Ellie Mae, small black and brown hound, missing Riverton. Contact McKenzie Case 307-413-4003
Patches, possibly stolen from Cheyenne, Becky Diggs, 307-689-8425
Arco, went missing from our place ABOUT 10 miles west of Kinnear. He's a super friendly, playful, beautiful husky, wearing a collar and tags. If you see him, or think you've seen him, please call 856-1481.
Birdie is missing in Lovell Wyoming. Please contact Jessica Entel 307-899-2468
Sarge, shih Tzu, missing from near Kemmerer. Call Kim 307-727-7562
Clancy missing from Sundance Meadows area in Douglas. Owner is Tonya Seeds
I lost my dog in the Ethete area. She is 8 months old and 15 pounds and has a shaved belly from a spay. Michele Harmelink